to Upstream

Curated Coffees - Conscious Sourcing - Social Impact
Over the years, we at Upstream have been cultivating relationships with exporters, cooperatives, mills and farmers alike – aligning ourselves with those whose thoughts and objectives were similar to our own.
We import green coffee beans, working closely with partners on the ground to bridge the divide between those producing these coffees and Australian roasters who share this vision - all with a passion for creating positive change through coffee.
Green Coffee
At Upstream, we believe that transparent trade is a central tenet in our industry and instrumental to the relationships we have formed and will form, both up and downstream of the supply chain.
We want each of our roaster partners to be confident. Confident in supporting Upstream in our drive towards equality, profit participation and environmental sustainability.
It is our belief that coffee should be enjoyed by all, and that it should be grown and harvested in a way that positively impacts the environment and the communities where it is grown.
Our team has been travelling for years to find new opportunities and community partners at origin who are committed to conscientious practices, harvesting methods and quality.
We source a range of qualities, dependable blenders, organic & decaf coffees, and catwalk worthy micro-lots from most of the world’s coffee-producing countries, including Brazil, Burundi, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Panama, PNG, Peru, Rwanda, Tanzania & Timor-Leste.
No matter the grade, each lot is selected with a purpose to lead us closer to our goal of doing good through coffee - all while bringing beautiful coffees to the Australian roasting community.
We would love to have you along for the journey!